A men only party you don’t want to miss!

Icelandic gay popstar Páll Ă“skar is throwing a special party “For Men Only” at brewery/club ÆgisgarĂ°ur, Eyjaslóð 5, Grandi, ReykjavĂ­k Iceland, on Saturday December 17th. All men welcome – regardless of sexual preferences.

Páll Óskar will not only belt out his biggest hits supported by his sexy dancers, but also DJ to make sure the floor jumping all night. On top of that, there will be a drag-show from performance group Drag-Súgur.

This is the men-only event you don’t want to miss when in ReykjavĂ­k this Xmas season!

Tickets will sold at at the entrance of ÆgisgarĂ°ur for 3.900 ISK. But you can also get them a thousand ISK cheaper – or for 2.900 ISK on pre-sale at flower/bookstore Upplifun, which is located at the entry of Harpa Concert Hall.

In the unlikely event you haven’t heard about the Icelandic megastar, then go check out Páll Ă“skar’s fabulous website www.palloskar.is

The party will be from 23.30 to 4.30am. More about it here!

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