The Icelandic Presidential Election will be held on June the 1st. The race is shaping up to be interesting as well as exciting with different candidates taking the lead in polls. GayIceland reached out to the candidates in question to find out where they stand when it comes to LGBTQAI+ rights.
These are the questions we asked the candidates:
- What is your stance on LGBTQAI+ rights?
- Have you contributed to LGBTQAI+ rights?
- Will you raise awareness on LGBTQAI+ rights if elected President of Iceland?
- If elected President, will you let Iceland’s stance on LGBTQAI+ rights be known on official visits to foreign countries, especially where these rights are broken?

“I support all human rights”
“I support all human rights,” says Arnar Þór Jónsson, supreme court attorney, asked to shed light on his stance towards LGBTQAI+ rights
Asked if he has contributed to LGBTQAI+ rights, he replies that as a lawyer he has worked for clients who identify as LGBTQAI+.
I will raise awareness and seek to protect all human rights.
Would Arnar raise awareness on LGBTQAI+ rights if elected President of Iceland?
“I will raise awareness and seek to protect all human rights,” he replies.
Would he as President let Iceland’s stance on LGBTQAI+ rights be known abroad?
“The purpose and context of the visit will influence the choice of words and context of the president’s speech. This does in no way exclude any subject or any group.”

“Will support and amplify the voices of the LGBTQAI+ community”
“It is important to me to live in a society that respects the constitutional human rights of LGBTQAI+ individuals, and I am proud to live in a society where Reykjavik Pride is celebrated for six days to spread awareness and raise more awareness,” says Ásdís Rán Gunnarsdóttir, entrepreneur, model and television producer.
According to Ásdís Rán she has actively participated in the Reykjavik Pride celebrations for numerous years, offering support to those in her community to the best of her ability.
Asked if she would raise awareness on LGBTQAI+ rights if elected President of Iceland she replies: “Yet, I believe that as president, one’s voice carries significant influence, presenting an opportunity to effectuate even greater positive change within the LGBTQAI+ community.”
I recognize the importance of using the platform of the presidency to raise awareness of the challenges faced by LGBTQAI+ individuals and to promote inclusivity and equality.
Ásdís Rán adds that she would also be committed to actively participating in Reykjavik Pride celebrations and in advocating for LGBTQAI+ rights.
“I recognize the importance of using the platform of the presidency to raise awareness of the challenges faced by LGBTQAI+ individuals and to promote inclusivity and equality. As President, I understand the significant influence my voice holds and will use it to support and amplify the voices of the LGBTQAI+ community.

“I will indeed be the President of the entire nation”
“I am not familiar with this word LGBTQAI, which I don’t think is an Icelandic word. I don’t get involved in people’s sexuality, I don’t discriminate people and I respect the human rights of all members of society. I will indeed be the President of the entire nation,” says Ástþór Magnússon, peace activist, businessman and author.
I don’t discriminate people and I respect the human rights of all members of society. I will indeed be the President of the entire nation.

“LGBTQAI+ rights are very close to my heart”
“I take a firm stance with all human rights and LGBTQAI+ rights are very close to my heart. Both my husband Felix and I have fought and participated in various battles in the last 30 years as Iceland has transformed from being one of the most homophobic nations in the world in the nineties, to becoming one of the most liberal countries in western Europe when it come to equal rights for LGBTQAI+ people,” says Baldur Þórhallsson, Professor at the Faculty of Political Science at the University of Iceland.
Baldur was one of the founders of Q, Queer Student Association (then called the Association of Homosexual Students at the University of Iceland) 25 years ago. “FSS as it was called at that time made significant impact on gay awareness among students and in the society at that time. FSS was also actively lobbied for changes and improvement in legislation and was a founding member of Hinsegin Dagar (Reykjavík Pride),” recalls Baldur.
Asked if he will raise awareness on LGBTQAI+ rights if elected President of Iceland, Baldur says that the matters of children and youth are subjects that stands close to his heart.
“I know that an openly gay president will be a positive role model for LGBTQAI+ youth, as there shouldn’t be any limits for their ambitions and dreams to come true. I believe that awareness and visibility is the most important thing. Taking a firm stance against any kind of discrimination and hate against members of the LGBTQAI+ community will be the core of my role as the President of Iceland.”
Taking a firm stance against any kind of discrimination and hate against members of the LGBTQAI+ community will be the core of my role as the President of Iceland.
Baldur points out that the progress that has been achieved over the recent years a result from relentless work of the LGBTQAI+ community is a good example where Icelanders can be role models for other nations.
“I’m proudly going to present that were ever I go. Voting for a gay president is likely to cause international attention in a similar way as it did when Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir became the first openly homosexual person in the world to become a head of government in 2010. That fact drew way more attention abroad than locally and has a positive impact on the international LGBTQAI+ community. I’m sure that an openly gay President will increase visibility and awareness where eve he goes.”

“If a matter needs to be addressed it will be”
“The legal rights of the LGBTQAI+ community are protected by the 65 article of law in Iceland’s constitution, where all are legally even by law. As the LGBTQAI+ community knows this is only the legal side and what ones rights are. There are, as your readers know, too many people that reject these rights and make life harder for the LGBTQAI+ community, mostly by spouting out comments, something that sadly seems to be increasing in Iceland, if what I am told is true,” says sailor Eiríkur Ingi Jóhannsson.
Eiríkur is a sailor and the only member of the four-person crew of Hallgrímur SI-77 who survived when the trawler sank off Norway in 2012 .
He says that belonging to a minority group has its battles.
“There seems to be too many people that take offence to the LGBTQAI+ community. I believe this is mostly due to ignorance and discomfort; being in the proximity of something new and different. One hopes that these are people who will learn as they mature. Then there are the bigots and haters. Their behavior is not easy to understand and most likely varies between individuals.
On my journey to collect signatures for my candidacy a person asked me about my stance on gay marriage. I found the question surprising as Iceland has legalized same sex marriage and one never hears protests regarding that. As the conversation continued this individual said that I would receive their approval if I would openly condemn gay marriage. In short I did not receive an approval from the individual and I never will.
This individual said that I would receive their approval if I would openly condemn gay marriage. In short I did not receive an approval from the individual and I never will.
Individuals of the LGBTQAI+ community are free to live their life as they wish, like every other person. I will never stand for anything else.”
Asked if Eiríkur has contributed to LGBTQAI+ rights, he says he hasn’t done so publicly.
“I however support LGBTQAI+ rights by treating those that are LGBTQAI+ as equals, because they are equal to the rest of community. I am lucky that I have not had to witness any frictions against the LGBTQA+ community, but I am aware of its presence in our society In Iceland.”
Will Eiríkur raise awareness on LGBTQAI+ rights if elected President of Iceland?
“As with other presidential matters, if a matter needs to be addressed itey will be.”
If elected President, will he let Iceland’s stance on LGBTQAI+ rights be known on official visits to foreign countries, especially where these rights are broken?
“Matters like these must often be discussed in private meetings, one has to assume, but of course it must be a topic chosen at the correct moments, so it can have the greatest effect. Not always an easy task, but one has to try, when possible.”

“I will use the presidential platform to promote awareness and understanding”
“I believe in the equality of all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity,” says Halla Hrund Logadóttir, the Director General of Iceland’s National Energy Authority & Co-founder of the Arctic Initiative at Harvard Kennedy School. “Every person deserves to live without fear of discrimination or violence, and it is our responsibility to build an inclusive society that respects diversity and protects human rights.”
Asked if she has contributed to LGBTQAI+ rights, Halla Hrund says that she has participated in awareness events and that she is committed to continuing these efforts and working towards ensuring full equality.
If elected, I will use the presidential platform to promote awareness and understanding. It is important to educate the public on these matters to combat prejudice effectively.
Will she raise awareness on LGBTQAI+ rights if elected President of Iceland?
“If elected, I will use the presidential platform to promote awareness and understanding. It is important to educate the public on these matters to combat prejudice effectively.”
Halla Hrund says that Iceland has been a leader in human rights and that path must continue. Therefore she will make Iceland’s stance on LGBTQAI+ rights be known on official visits to foreign countries.
“I will discuss these issues and encourage positive changes, respecting the sovereignty and cultural contexts of those nations while promoting universal human rights standards.”

“Iceland should lead the way and allow each human to work, live and love as they wish”
“Equality for all is a fundamental principle to me and I am proud of Iceland’s progressive leadership when it comes to gender equality and LGBTQAI+ rights,” says Halla Tómasdóttir, when asked where she stands when it comes to LGBTQAI+ rights.
Halla is the CEO of The B Team,a global collective of business and civil society leaders advocating for new norms of corporate leadership entrepreneur, writer and former presidential candidate. She says that in her role at The B Team she has engaged with both private and public sector leaders to advance equality and inclusion, including LGBTQAI+ rights in the workplace of leading companies as well as via stronger legislation.
“In several cases B Team has taken a public stance to fight against roll-back in such rights. We have also tried to uplift and showcase best practices, support new norms and encourage policy that protects workers and empowers governments and employers.”
Equality for all is a fundamental principle to me and I am proud of Iceland’s progressive leadership when it comes to gender equality and LGBTQAI+ rights
Asked if she would raise awareness on LGBTQAI+ rights if elected President of Iceland, Halla doesn’t hesitate.
“Of course,” she replies, “Iceland should lead the way and allow each human to work, live and love as they wish.”
Would she let Iceland’s stance on LGBTQAI+ rights be known on official visits to foreign countries if she was elected president?
“I will and I have. I believe Iceland should be a global role model for a truly inclusive culture, where everyone enjoys equal rights and an inclusive culture where all may thrive.”

“I would therefore also raise the awareness of LGBTQAI+ rights”
“It is my view that every human being should have the right to be as they are. Basic human rights should be recognized by everyone, everywhere, and that of course includes LBGTQAI+ rights,” says Helga Þórisdóttir, Data Protection Commissioner for Iceland, adding that she is proud that in Iceland we have a strong Constitution when it comes to safeguarding human rights – and those rights need to be protected every single day.
Asked if she has in any way contributed to LGBTQAI+ rights Helga points out that as the Data Protection Commissioner for Iceland, for the last 8 ½ years, it has been her job to ensure that all personally identifiable data is protected in Iceland, including sensitive data concerning people’s sexual orientation.
“In my close family, there is a transgender person,” she continues. “I am therefore familiar with how hard it can be to be outside traditional sexuality and gender norms.”
On official visits I would let it be known that in Iceland we are proud to have our strong Constitution when it comes to safeguarding human rights – including LGBTQAI+ rights.
Helga says that as President of Iceland she would always safeguard all human rights for those who live in Iceland.
“I would therefore also raise the awareness of LGBTQAI+ rights.”
What about making Iceland’s stance on LGBTQAI+ rights known on official visits to foreign countries?
“I would stand by my belief that basic human rights should be recognized everywhere. On official visits I would let it be known that in Iceland we are proud to have our strong Constitution when it comes to safeguarding human rights – including LGBTQAI+ rights.”

“I want to help stop discrimination against LGBTQAI+ people”
“Every person has the birthright to find happiness. LGBTQAI+ rights are human rights and should be protected morally and by law,” says Jón Gnarr, actor, comedian and former politician.
Jón served as the Mayor of Reykjavík from 2010 to 2014 and says he contributed to LGBTQAI+ rights by being vocal about his support.
“Yes, I have, when I was the mayor of Reykjavík I took an active part in Reykjavik Pride and was vocal about my support,” he says, pointing out that he took part in parade in drag every year as mayor and in 2013 he was awarded the human rights award of Samtökin ’78, the national queer organization of Iceland, for his work.
I was mayor of Reykjavík when the city of Moscow decided to ban pride and I protested by threatening to terminate the sister city partnership between Reykjavík and Moscow.
Jón says he intends to raise awareness on LGBTQAI+ rights if elected President of Iceland.
“Absolutely, I want to help stop discrimination against LGBTQAI+ people in any way I can,” he explains, adding that if elected President, he will make sure that Iceland’s stance on LGBTQAI+ rights are known on official visits to foreign countries.
“Yes, I would use the opportunity. I was mayor of Reykjavík when the city of Moscow decided to ban pride and I protested by threatening to terminate the sister city partnership between Reykjavík and Moscow. I would make it a rule to shed a light on and protest human rights violations.”

“I support the right of all humans to be who they are”
“I support the right of all humans to be who they are, lead the life they want to and to not to be subjected to violence and mockery due to the bigotry of others, says Katrín Jakobsdóttir, former Prime Minister of Iceland and former chair of The Left Green Movement.
Katrín points out that on of her first bills as an MP was a gender-neutral marriage act and when she came into government that bill was passed into law.
“In the last seven years I have been Minister of Equality and several bills have been passed to make sure Iceland is in the forefront of LGBTQAI+ rights.”
In the last seven years I have been Minister of Equality and several bills have been passed to make sure Iceland is in the forefront of LGBTQAI+ rights.
She think it is important to use the office of President to highlight a number of cultural and social issues, including LGBTQAI+ rights.
“This is in fact the main impact of the President that he or she can raise awareness through speeches and public action.”
Katrín adds that if elected President she will make Iceland’s stance on LGBTQAI+ rights known on official visits abroad.
“I think it is important for heads of state to make known their countries views on such issues and I will certainly do that.”

“Human rights are very important to me”
“Equal rights for all humans is a top priority for me and always has been. That will not change whether I become president or not,” says Steinunn Ólína Þorsteinsdóttir, actress, TV show host, producer, journalist, editor and writer.
Steinunn Ólína says that she has often contributed as a journalist for the rights of those who have been undermined and who have faced stigma.
“My position is clear. No one should suffer for being who they are. Never.”
I will lead by example by speaking up if the rights of LGBTQAI+ are revoked here in Iceland or elsewhere if necessary.
Will she raise awareness on LGBTQAI+ rights if elected President of Iceland?
“Yes. Human rights are very important to me and that includes rights for everyone.”
Steinunn Ólína adds that as president, she will ensure that everyone’s rights are respected.
“I will lead by example by speaking up if the rights of LGBTQAI+ are revoked here in Iceland or elsewhere if necessary. So the simple answer is, yes.”

“I will not be doing specific favours for any specific group”
What is your stance on LGBTQAI+ rights?
“No specific stance,” replies presidential candidate Viktor Traustason. “All people are different and should enjoy the same rights as individuals.”
Have you contributed to LGBTQAI+ rights?
“I do not care one bit how people choose to define themselves or how they choose to live their lives.”
I do not care one bit how people choose to define themselves or how they choose to live their lives.
Will Viktor raise awareness on LGBTQAI+ rights if elected President of Iceland?
“Not specifically. I do not think it does people any favours by classifying them as different. We are all just people and these specific issues are better handled by specific organization that are doing a good job already.”
What about letting Iceland’s stance on LGBTQAI+ rights be known on official visits to foreign countries, if elected president?
“No, I will not be doing specific favours for any specific group. I will treat everybody as individuals and with respect, regardless of how they live their lives.”