The concert Hvalir live! will be held tonight at the museum Whales of Iceland and fittingly many animal lovers will perform, such as Högni Egilsson, Sóley, Sin Fang and DJ Margeir.

The concert’s aim is to celebrate whales that are alive and well and also to applaud the biggest petition in history where the government is encouraged to cease commercial whaling. In addition to that, people who sign the petition promise not to eat whale meat in Iceland but nearly 97.000 people have signed the petition so far at the International Fund for Animal Welfare’s (IFAW).
“The aim of the concert is to point out the issues concerning whales and to raise awareness in Iceland about their magnificence. Whales are more valuable, in every sense of the word, alive then dead and we emphasize that fact with the concert’s name: Hvalir Live,” says Sigursteinn Másson, a representative of IFAW in Iceland.
The concert starts at 9 PM tonight and tickets can be found at Tickets cost 1900 ISK and included in the price is free entrance to the whale museum.
The concert is a collaboration between the artists who will be performing tonight and have backed the petition conscientiously, The International Fund for Animal Welfare and IceWhale.