A victory for BDSM people

BDSM should be removed from the list of mental disorders, agrees The Director of Health for Iceland. A great victory for us, says The Chairman of The Icelandic BDSM association.

The Director of Health for Iceland, Birgir Jakobsson, says there’s nothing that prevents Iceland from following the footsteps of other Nordic countries and removing BDSM from its list of mental illnesses, reports RĂšV. He intends to meet with the chairman of the Icelandic  BDSM association in order to do that – and in a manner the members see fit.

“It's absurd that BDSM is listed as a mental disorder here because I don't know about any psychiatrists who are treating people because of BDSM tendencies. Of course there's a possibility some old-fashioned doctor might try it but I still think its doubtful.”
“I’m speechless, just utterly speechless at the moment,” says MagnĂşs Hákonarson, about the turn of events.

This is the director’s response to a letter RĂšV, the national broadcasting company, sent him earlier today, after GayIceland reported that Iceland is the only Nordic country that still lists BDSM as a mental illness. BDSM in this instance referring to “Dual-role transvestism, Fetishism, Fetishistic transvestism, and sado-masochism”.

Denmark was the first country to remove BDSM from its list in 1994-1995. Followed, by Sweden in 2009, Norway in 2010 and Finland in 2012. In its letter to the Director of Health for Iceland, dated September 3rd, the Icelandic BDSM association, requested it would do the same.

“We’re just all so exhilarated about the news, we just can’t believe it.”

Asked why Iceland is the only Nordic State that hasn’t done so, The Director says in his reply to RĂšV, that the matter just hasn’t been on the agenda of the Nordic collaboration since he took office.

The Director of Health for Iceland, Birgir Jakobsson. Photo/
The Director of Health for Iceland, Birgir Jakobsson, doesn’t see any reason why BDSM shouldn’t be crossed off a list of mental disorders in Iceland. Photo/Ministry of Welfare.

However, he says he agrees with the opinion voiced in the BDSM association’s letter, and doesn’t see any reason why BDSM couldn’t be removed from the The Directorate of Health list’s of mental disorders.

But how does the chairman of the Icelandic BDSM association feel about the turn of events?

“I’m speechless, just utterly speechless at the moment,” says MagnĂşs Hákonarson. “We’re just all so exhilarated about the news, we just can’t believe it.”

Are you optimistic that you and the Director of Health will reach a good conclusion?

“In light of his response, then I see no reason why we shouldn’t.”

Main photo: “BDSM collar back” by Grendelkhan – originally uploaded from the English Wikipedia by Grendelkhan on 27 Aug 2004.

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