Road trips and guitar pics

July is supposedly the best month to travel to Iceland due to “great” weather. Most Icelanders use their vacation to go camping, hiking, swimming and to enjoy the seldom seen yellow thing called the sun. This month is all about music festivals, so pack your tent, sun screen (or just some warm clothes, boots and an umbrella), buy a “lopapeysa” (an Icelandic wool sweater)  and get ready for an epic road trip!

“GoslokahátĂ­Ă°” (e. “End of Eruption Festival”), Vestmannaeyjar.
4- 6th of July
There is a beautiful island in the South called Vestmannaeyjar (e. Westman Islands)  only a 30 minutes boat ride from the south coast of Iceland. The extraordinary surroundings and breathtaking view is hard to describe. When you have visited the island, you will never forget it! 40 years ago there was a volcanic eruption there that made the inhabitants flee to the mainland and buried most of the houses under lava. A year later the eruption stopped and many moved back. Each year the locals celebrate the end of the eruption with a festival filled with fun events  including local entertainment, singing and dancing. Everyone is welcome and the festival itself is free of charge. Admission may apply for the concerts taking place this weekend. Visit to buy tickets for the ferry.

“Lopapeysan”, part of the Irish Days festival, Akranes.
5th of July
Singer Páll Ă“skar.Have you ever heard of the Icelandic gay legend, entertainer and singer Páll Ă“skar? Well, now is your chance to see him in action. Lopapeysan (e. Icelandic wool sweater) is an Icelandic concert venue taking place by the Akranes Harbour, both in tents and in an old sement factory. Experience a real Icelandic „brekkusöngur“ (e. “slope singing”) with IngĂł, witness Icelandic talented bands and singers perform live and have fun in your new lopapeysa!
Visit to buy tickets.
Time of the Lopapeysa: 11.30 pm, but the Irish days at Akranes take place on 3- 6th of July.
Price: 4900 ISK.

Neil Young & Crazy Horse, Laugardalshöll, Reykjavík.
7th of July
Legend Neil Young & Crazy horse will be performing in ReykjavĂ­k. The concert is a part of the ATP Iceland festival that takes place in Keflavik from 10th- 12th of July. The Crazy horse is an American rock band that have played together with Neil Young since the ’60s.
Visit to buy tickets.

ATP Label Night, at the Hljómahöll, Keflavík.
8th of July
ATP presents Fuck Buttons, Hebronix, Eaux and DJ Barry Hogan in Hljómahöll in Keflavik. The night is a part of the 3 days ATP Festival that starts on 10th of July (see below).
Doors open at 8pm / Show starts at 9pm
Free admission for ATP Iceland weekend pass holders or week pass holders (Neil Young + ATP Iceland ticket). Please show your wristband or ticket by the door.

ATP Iceland, KeflavĂ­k.
10-12th of July
We assume that most of you know Portishead and their music had some dramatic effects on your life in the past. If not, then your are in some serious luck because the legendary band will be performing at the ATP- or “All Tomorrow Parties”, a festival described as the ultimate mix tape, which is running its 15th time this year. Kurt Vile & the Violators, MammĂşt, Fuck Buttons and Mogwai are just a few of the international and local names also playing.

“Eistnaflug Festival”, NeskaupstaĂ°ur.
10th-12th of July
Join all Icelandic metal heads, rockers and party lovers at the largest event at the East coast of Iceland this July. Not only will you enjoy great music, but you will be a part of an Icelandic festival in a small village among several thousand Icelandic party animals. The best thing? You can dress however you like and no one cares. Just remember to take some warm undies with you just in case.
More info on lineup, tickets and how to get there on

“Bræðslan”,  BorgarfjörĂ°ur Eystri.
26th of July
The music festival in the East of Iceland, Bræðslan, has been the most noticeable Icelandic festival in recent years. Only 800 tickets are sold each year and this year it is unfortunately sold out as well. However there are off venue concerts there during the weekend at BorgarfjörĂ°ur Eystri and if you’re lucky you might get your hands on some tickets.
This year, one of the largest artists at Bræðslan is “Jungle Drum girl” Emiliana Torrini. You will also be able to see the “No Prejudice band” Pollapönk who represented Iceland at Eurovision in Copenhagen in May this year. The main concert will be held on Saturday the 26th at the old fish factory. If you are driving on the east coast of Iceland around the 26th, make sure to say hi to the locals and listen to the off venue concerts. More info here.


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