Glamorous, glitzy, chic and edgy. What started out as an experiment two years ago has turned into one of Reykjavík’s most eagerly anticipated celebrations. The queerest club night in town returns tonight when Pink Iceland throws it’s annual Glamoween party.
„The party is the result of demands from queer guests visiting Iceland for Airwaves. Last year so many where asking: “Where is the best LGBT party?” And as there was not much going on within the LGBT scene, we decided to deliver a fabulous queer club night,“ Eva María Þorarinsdóttir Lange, co-owner of party host Pink Iceland, begins telling me about tonight’s event, when we meet at her office at Hverfisgata 39.
To my surprise I find out that over 400 people showed up last year and a record number of 500 guests are expected for tonight’s party. An event which Eva María says will be packed with fun.
„We just decided to go with local performers who makes us happy! The band “Hljómsveitin Eva” caters to the queer audience beautifully. Iceland’s most beloved Disco Diva Helga Möller will sing her hits from the 70’s which all Icelanders know by heart. Finally we will have the extravagant DJ Hits & Tits, who are also known for performing in adult circus shows!“
Categorized as club nights the parties have been held at different locations for the past years. Tonight Iðusalir will serve as a venue.
„It’s greatly located and we will be doubling its normal size by erecting a huge outdoor tent on the patio. Ideal for chatting and mingling. We’re calling it the “Trúnó tjald”,” which she says is a nostalgic connection to the queer café she and partner Birna Hrönn managed a couple of years ago.
“Trúnó” is an Icelandic word describing a sincere conversation, quite often under the influence of alcohol where people open their hearts. And tonight there will be no shortage of alcohol Eva María says with a grin.
„We will offer a delicious vodka mixer before midnight and make up artists will take care of glamming up the guests who need extra glitter, feathers and so on.“
After all the theme is Glamoween.
„It‘s basically glamour meets Halloween meets glitter; Drag, gender bending, club kid, glamour, grunge and freaking fab,“ Eva María explains. Adding that nothing is forbidden. „Except being mean and queer-phobic.“
Seeing as the Pink parties have become more and more grand each year, I venture to ask Eva María if she’s isn’t a least bit worried that she and the Pink Iceland team have already outdone themselves. That by raising the bar so high they won’t be able to live up to people’s expectations.
Eva shakes her head.
„We think if our hearts continue to be in the right place and we have passion for what we do – it can’t go wrong.”
When asked if she and her team imagined early on that the parties would become so popular, she smiles and nods.
“Yes, we kind of did. We’ve always aimed at delievering a fabulous event, sparing no expense. Which means that we work with top notch performers and DJ’s and focus on creating a stylish event with good lighting and sound. On top of that we celebrate all the queerness in our culture. And that just struck a chord with our guests from the very start.”
And with that we say goodbye and I head off home, eager to see if my slick back tuxedo still fits.
After all, for Glamoween, one wants to look ones best.
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