© DesignerMarch

A date with Calvin Klein

Creativity, design, architecture and inspiration will take Reykjavik with a storm next weekend (27th – 30th of March). DesignerMarch (i. HönnunarMars) is one of the largest design happenings in Iceland with around 100 exciting events taking place in the capital city, ranging from cool exhibitions to lectures by famous designers and architects. With so many events happening at the sama time it’s of course impossible to attend everything so here’s our list of ten things not to miss.

1. Order to Effect.
Experience an organic and delicious meal created by chefs, designers and nutritionists. Especially chosen from how the food impacts different parts of your body and health. Reservation and further information at Satt Restaurant, Icelandair Hotel Reykjavik Natura, Nauthólsvegur 52, 101 Reykjavík. When: March 26th – 29th, 6-10pm.

2. DesignTalks.
Have you ever dreamt of meeting Calving Klein? Then you’re in luck because the world-famous designer will be amongst international leaders in design and architecture lecturing at DesignMarch this year. Where: At Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Center. When: March 27th 9.30am-4pm.

3. Explore, Reflect, Respond.
A workshop and a seminar on design for small communities. A great variety of speakers including Daniel Byström, Designers & Forests, DesignNation (Sweden), Lára Vilbergsdóttir, MAKE by Þorpið (Iceland) and Pete Collard, Design Museum (UK). Where: Hannesarholt, Grundarstígur 10, 101 Reykjavík. When: March 28th at 9.30am – 1.30pm.

4. Made in Furniture.
Want to get a glimpse of newest and hottest in Icelandic furniture? Then check out this exciting show put together by manufacturers and designers. Where: Harpa, Austurbakki 2, 101 Reykjavik. When: March 27th-30th, Thursday 11am-10pm, Friday 11am-6pm, Saturday 11am-5pm and Sunday 1-5pm.

5. Female – Form – Creation.
Renowned artist Ragnar Kjartansson and members of the Ceramics Society poke fun at the clichĂ© the “pottering potter women”, as well as giving praise to the coarse and wet working process. Where: VĂ­kin – Maritime Museum, GrandagarĂ°ur 8, 101 Reykjavik. When: March 29th 1-5pm.

6. Muses.
A great exhibition where Icelandic clothing designers and musicians come together and influence you and each other. The grand opening is on the 26th at 9pm and dancing is allowed! Where: Kex Hostel, Skúlagata 28, 101 Reykjavik. When:March 27th 11am-10pm, 28th 11am-6pm, 29th 11am-5pm and 30th 1pm-5pm.

7. Anatomy of Letters
Take part in an excavation of ancient Icelandic letter skeletons with graphic designer SigrĂ­Ă°ur RĂşn KristinsdĂłttir at the beautiful “ĂžjóðmenningarhĂşs” house, Hverfisgata 15, 101 ReykjavĂ­k. When: March 27th 4pm-10pm, 28th 11am-6pm, 29th 11am-5pm and 30th 1-5pm.

8. The New Kid’s Block.
Recently graduated Icelandic architects show their graduation projects inspired by latest trends and currents in architecture. Where: Reykjavík City Hall, Tjarnargata, 101 Reykjavik. When: March 27th 7-9pm, 28th 8am-7pm, 29th 12-6pm and 30th 12-6pm.

9. Kosmos.
Icelandic designer Dögg Guðmundsdóttir combines the wonders of Icelandic landscape and traditional craftsmanship in an innovative way. Where: Museum of Design and Applied Art, Garðatorg 1, 210 Garðabær. When: March 27th -30th, 12-5pm.

10. The Scintilla Garden.
Beautiful flower pots and other cool projects designed by Scintilla will be up for display in a small garden shed on Lækjartorg square, 101 Reykjavik. When: March 27th 5-10pm, 28th 11am-6pm, 29th 11am-5pm and 30th 1-5pm.

We encourage you to look at the full program list.

DesignMarch is organized by Iceland Design Centre, the promotion agency of Icelandic design and architecture. LGBT Travel Agency Pink Iceland is the official travel partner of DesignMarch 2014. Photos courtesy of DesignMarch.

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