The allure of summer Inga Jessen·29/04/2014[dropcap size=small]I[/dropcap]f you’re the type that likes music, arts and festivals of all sorts as long as they’re hip and...See & Do·1 Comment·
Fishing and fooling around Inga Jessen·01/04/2014Even though Icelanders celebrate the first day of summer on the 24th of April, the summer usually starts with...See & Do·0 Comments·
Time to get tested? Roald Viðar Eyvindsson·27/03/2014“HIV is spreading in Iceland between men having sex with other men. That is why, we The HIV Organization Iceland,...See & Do·0 Comments·
A date with Calvin Klein Inga Jessen·26/03/2014Creativity, design, architecture and inspiration will take Reykjavik with a storm next weekend (27th – 30th of March). DesignerMarch (i. HönnunarMars) is one...See & Do·0 Comments·
Iceland among top ten gay wedding destinations Roald Viðar Eyvindsson·13/02/2014Lonely Planet puts Iceland on list of top ten gay wedding destinations. “Take your pick of mind-blowing backdrops...See & Do·0 Comments·
Instagram iceadmin·31/01/2014#gayiceland #pinkiceland #rainbowreykjavik [alpine-phototile-for-instagram user=”gay_iceland” src=”global_tag” tag=”gayiceland” tag=”pinkiceland” tag=”rainbowreykjavik” imgl=”instagram” style=”gallery” row=”4″ grwidth=”750″ grheight=”563″ size=”M” num=”30″ shadow=”1″ highlight=”1″ align=”center” max=”100″]...See & Do·0 Comments·
Rainbow Reykjavik 2014 Brynhildur Heiðar- og Ómarsdóttir·27/01/2014In the past few years, Iceland has become an increasingly popular tourist destination for LGBTQ travelers. Several hotels...See & Do·0 Comments·
Not to miss over the holidays Brynhildur Heiðar- og Ómarsdóttir·22/12/2013Feeling lost in Iceland over the holidays? Bewildered when faced with the ö’s and ð’s and þ’s of...See & Do·1 Comment·
Have a (h)app-y holiday iceadmin·07/12/2013Oh, who doesn’t love a good old vacation, honey? Show of hands… everybody, yes ma’m. The lgbt-crowd are...See & Do·0 Comments·
Winter wonderland Roald Viðar Eyvindsson·04/12/2013lanning a trip to Iceland this winter? Then make sure to pack some warm clothes, walking shoes and...See & Do·0 Comments·