The party of the year for lesbian, bi and pan sexual women

Divas of Reykjavík take note; it’s that time of year again. The annual Diva Party for lesbian, bi and pan sexual women will be held at Iðnó Saturday, October 20th, and it’s gonna be even more glamorous than ever before according to Fríða Bonnie Andersen, head of the committee that has been organizing the event.

Fríða Bonnie as a flag bearer at Reykjavík Pride Parade this year.

“This is a way for us lesbian girls to meet and have fun together,” Fríða says when asked what the purpose of the event is. “We wanted to create an event where we can get together, eat glorious food, dance and have a really good time. That’s the main purpose of the party.” Fríða underlines that although the party is mainly thought of as a gathering for lesbian, bi and pan sexual women all women are welcome to join the party and take part in the fun.

This is the third year in a row that the Diva Party is held in this form but before that there was usually at least one gathering per year for the lesbian community.  “We just rally want to celebrate together,” Fríða says with a laugh. “It is not always the same group that stands behind the event, it depends on who has the time and will to plan the event that time.”

“We wanted to create an event where we can get together, eat glorious food, dance and have a really good time. That’s the main purpose of the party.”

The committee this year is the same as last year but besides Fríða Ásdís Óladóttir and Arndís Björg Sigurgeirsdóttir are members. “Last year was such a huge success that we decided that this event was here to stay,” says Fríða. “We have to keep doing this together at least once a year. We all agree on that.”

Is there a shortage of events specially meant for lesbians in the night life of Reykjavík?
“Yes, I have to agree that it’s not often that events are organized especially for us,” Fríða explains. “Of course we can always go to Kiki Bar if we want to meet other lesbians, but this is a more specified party, and it gives us the opportunity to talk to other lesbians and catch up on what’s happening in our community. It’s also a very festive event, we dress up and put our best foot forward to make this a really special gathering for women.”

Fríða says that in previous years the party has been very well attended and that the committee hopes that even more women attend this year. But is there something different happening at the Diva Party this time?
“Not really,” Fríða says, but checks herself and quickly adds. “No, wait, I’m wrong. We have usually had a DJ playing but this year there will be a life band, Nostalgia, which is led by no other than our very own Arndís Björg. They will play rock music after dinner and we will be dancing till the wee hours of the morning. Their guest singer will be the hugely funny and talented actress and singer Ólafía Hrönn Jónsdóttir. That’s really gonna be something, I can’t wait.”

The party starts at 19.15 PM on Saturday October the 20th  with an aperitif and then a three course dinner will be served. During dinner the hosts, Svana and Madda, will conduct the drawing in a lottery where guests can win spectacular stuff, if they are lucky. Then the dancing will begin and there is no knowing when that will end.

There are still some tickets available at the Facebook Site of the event.

The main photo: The committee, i.e. Arndís Björg, Fríða Bonnie and Ásdís.

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