Tonight Bíó Paradís, in collaboration with GayIceland, will premiere VIVA!, a film that centers around a young gay man who dreams of becoming a drag queen, but first has to face off his “demons”. Hrönn Sveinsdóttir, managing director at Bíó Paradís, promises that it will be a premiere like no other.

“That’s right,” says Hrönn with a twinkle in her eyes. “The atmosphere is going to be filled with Cuban energy tonight, since there will be Cuban drinks on offer at the bar from 7PM and Cuban music playing to set just the right tone.
And on top of that performers from the multi talented drag group Drag-Súgur will show up and swarm around the guests.
We want to help people get into the right mood and I really wouldn’t be surprised if the temperature will rise a few degrees before the movie itself starts, at 8PM.”
This Cuban atmosphere is of course no coincidence, is it?
Hrönn smiles and shakes her head. “No. We thought it would be very fitting, since VIVA! takes place in Cuba after all and the movie’s main characters are young Cubans, young everyday heroes,” she explains and adds that it’s really remarkable to experience through the protagonist’s eyes the Cuban culture, the poverty that thrives on the island and to see to what lengths the inhabitants are willing to go in order to survive.
“Not that the movie is complete misery and sorrow throughout,” she quickly adds. “Not at all. I mean it also tells of great joy, humor and fun in Cuba. So even though old-fashioned notions of patriarchy are still in effect and the people live in poverty, there’s a really good and positive vibe in the movie. And we want to bring that here, the Cuban culture into the cinema and allow people to experience the power and joy of Cuban salsa rhythms.”
“…there’s a really good and positive vibe in the movie … And we want to bring that … into the cinema.”
VIVA! has been praised by critics all over the world, with The Guardian praising the actors for their performances and The Hollywood Reporter calling the film a genuine crowd-pleaser. VIVA! is also an award-winning movie and, as it turns out, has a high-profile Hollywood name linked to it.

“Yes, VIVA! has been nominated for several awards at film festivals and been praised wherever it has been shown,” says Hrönn. “For example, it was on the short list for an Oscar this year for best foreign film.
And yes, Oscar winner and actor Benicio Del Toro is one of the producers of the film. He’s known to support cool indie films in Spanish.”
Going back to the premiere tonight, Hrönn says that drag artists and Cuban salsa aren’t the only things that the guests can expect to see and experience. The film’s leading actor is also going to “make an appearance” so to speak.
“Yes, Héctor Media will give our movie goers an exclusive interview via Skype before the premiere of the film. Since he only speaks Spanish the interview is going to subtitled in English,” says Hrönn and adds that it should be mentioned that not only does Héctor display unique dramatic acting in the film, but he’s also one handsome man. “So it is worth attending if not just to be able to see him on Skype!”
This year Bíó Paradís has been showing a lot of queer themed films. There was the wonderful Carol, The Danish Girl, and now VIVA! Would it be safe to assume that you guys are becoming the main queer cinema in Reykjavík?
“Yes, you could certainly say that Bíó Paradís has become the venue for queer movies, since we regularly have shows in cooperation with various LGBTI+ and human rights groups. Not to mention of course all the cult movies that could also be classified as queer movies. There has always been fun around those shows here at Bíó Paradís. Essentially, we’re a different and entertaining cinema that shows all kinds of pictures, for everyone.”

The film premieres at Bíó Paradís, Hverfisgata 54, tonight at 8PM. Don’t forget to show up an hour earlier or at 7PM, if you want to catch the drag queens and kings of Drag-Súgur and experience some Cuban atmosphere.
If you want to get a chance of winning tickets to the movie premiere, then make sure to like the Facebook site of either Bíó Paradís or GayIceland; find the event there, like it and share on your own Facebook site. That will get you into the draw. Ten lucky winners will win two tickets each!
Tickets can be bought here.