Anna Pála Sverrisdóttir hands over the keyes to newly elected chairman Hilmar Magnússon. Photo/The National Queer Organization.

Hilmar elected chairman

Hilmar MagnĂşsson has been elected chairman of The National Queer Organization of Iceland (i. Samtökin ’78). In an interview earlier with national broadcasting company RĂšV Hilmar stated that he will continue the good work of former chairman Anna Pála SverrisdĂłttir by “getting the grassroot to keep on working for the organization. Listening to members of the organization and sparking their creativity.”

Hilmar has been active in the queer movement for a decade and a half and is one of the founding members of the The Reykjavík Queer Choir. He is a member of the Icelandic section of the Amnesty International, The Red Cross and The Icelandic Environment Association (i. Landvernd). Hilmar has a background in politis, having been the chairman of Funklistinn in the town of Ísafjörður in 1999 and an active member of The Social Democratic Alliance (i. Samfylkingin).

A new chairman is not the only change The National Queer Organiztion is facing these days. Soon it will be moving its community center to a new location, Suðurgata 3, formerly the residence of The Left Green Movement (i. Vinstrihreyfingin grænt framboð).

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