Pour l’égalite! iceadmin·04/02/2013“Je soutient le droit au mariage et á l’adoption pour les homosexuels. Pour l’égalite, maintenant!” roposals to introduce same-sex marriage in France have provoked...LGBT Rights·0 Comments·
Iceland protests anti-gay bill in Uganda iceadmin·02/12/2012Össur Skarphéðinsson, Minister for Foreign Affairs and External Trade, says the Icelandic government will do everything in it’s...LGBT Rights·0 Comments·
A hero says goodbye iceadmin·12/10/2012Rasmus Rasmussen, openly gay singer, guitarist, songwriter and popular radio host from The Faroe Islands, has died at...LGBT Rights·0 Comments·
Transgender people fully protected iceadmin·12/10/2012Eleven Icelandic MPs want to push into effect a new bill that further ensures the legal rights of...LGBT Rights·0 Comments·
Gaga helps AIDS patients iceadmin·09/10/2012Lady Gaga accepted the Lennon Ono Peace Grant at Harpa music hall only two hours ago. Yoko Ono,...LGBT Rights·0 Comments·
Call Me Kuchu iceadmin·30/09/2012RIFF, the Reykjavik International Festival, is currently showing dramas and non-fiction films from over 40 countries this year....EntertainmentLGBT Rights·0 Comments·
Gnarr wants gay pride in Moscow iceadmin·19/09/2012Jón Gnarr, the mayor of Reykjavík, encourages Sergey Sobyanin, the mayor of Moscow, to lift the ban of gay...LGBT Rights·0 Comments·
Hrafnhildur | A crowd pleaser iceadmin·02/09/2012Trans-documentary Hrafnhildur has not only been getting good reviews in Iceland (news paper Morgunblaðið giving it 4 out of...LGBT Rights·0 Comments·
Transpeople always excisted iceadmin·30/08/2012Rannveig Traustadóttir, a professor in sociology at the University of Iceland, says that transgender-people have always existed in...LGBT Rights·0 Comments·
A Political Pride iceadmin·16/08/2012Yesterday we posted a translation of an article by Erla Hlynsdóttir published in Fréttablaðið and on Vísir.is under the caption “The...LGBT RightsUncategorized·1 Comment·