What’s on in March in LGBTQIA+ Iceland?

March in LGBTQ+ Iceland is a time of transition, where the last traces of winter begin to fade, and the promise of spring lingers in the air. As daylight stretches further into the evenings, the queer community keeps the energy high with gatherings that celebrate creativity, resilience, and joy. From the pulsating beats of underground dance parties to intimate acoustic performances and thought-provoking discussions, there’s something for everyone this month.

Whether you’re looking to belt out your favorite karaoke tune at Kiki, lose yourself on the dancefloor at Sleikur, or unwind with board games and tea at a cozy meetup, March offers the perfect mix of vibrant nightlife and laid-back community connection. It’s a month to shake off the winter blues, embrace new beginnings, and revel in the warmth of queer spaces. So mark your calendars, step into the light, and make the most of this season of renewal!

Poly meetings at Samtökin ’78

The National Queer Organization, Samtökin ’78, now offers monthly meetings for people in polyamorous/poly relationships, whether you are: Considering or curious about poly relationships, taking your the first steps towards or in poly/poly relationships, or you have experience and understanding of polyamy, which you would like to share. Ástrós Erla, Margrét and Alexander, advisers at Samtökin ’78, lead the meetings, with the goal of creating a space where poly people can find support, get advice and build relationships with others in the queer community who have similar experiences and interests.

When: Thursday March 3
Time: 20:00-22:00
Where: Samtökin ’78, Suðurgata 3 Reykjavík
Cost: Free

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Kikioke – Karaoke at Kiki!

When: Thursdays (March 6, 13, 20 & 27)
Time: 22:00 to late
Where: Kiki Queer Bar, Laugavegur 22, 101 RVK
Cost: Free

Every Thursday people from all over descend on Iceland’s premier queer bar to share the joys of their vocal talents. The karaoke typically kicks off around 10pm and goes till late so do your warm ups and make your song selections.

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Faye Knús Friday Drag Show at Kiki

When: Fridays (March 7, 14, 21 & 28 )
Time: Doors open 20:00, show starts 21:30
Where: Kiki Queer Bar, Laugavegur 22, 101 RVK
Cost: 1.500 ISK (tickets on the door only), entry is free for VIQ-Card holders.

Kiki’s resident drag queen AKA “the hardest working woman in show business,” Faye Knús (body of a dancer, voice of your father) hosts an evening of drag, comedy, mid-life crisis and acts that cannot be unseen. It’s the perfect way to start your evening and the rest of your life.

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Heart Attack / Stressed and Depressed

When: Saturday March 8
Time: 21:00
Where: Kiki Queer Bar, Laugavegur 22, 101 RVK
Cost: 2.900 ISK (at the door)

We’re (barely) getting through the seasonal depression! After a 6 month long January and a chaotic February, it’s time to celebrate being STRESSED AND DEPRESSED with an extra stupid show on March 8th.

HEART ATTACK is a monthly drag show, hosted by the drag family House of Heart!
Performing are the HOUSE OF HEART:
Lola Von Heart (The Matriarch)
Chardonnay Bublée (She’s a cool mom)
Milo de Mix (Funniest dad award winner)
Úlla la Delish (Is she still just a baby?)

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Ace & Aro – General Meeting

When: Sunday March 9
Time: 15:00
Where: Suðurgata 3, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland
Cost: Free

Ace & Aro Iceland is an interest and activism association for asexual and aromantic people in Iceland as well as all the subgroups. The purpose of the association is that everyone under the ace umbrella will become recognized and enjoy full rights in Icelandic society. The association intends to achieve its goals by increasing visibility through education and collaborating with similar organizations, groups, and enthusiasts in Iceland and abroad that aim for the same goals.
This event is the general meeting of the association.

Event Link

Ace & Aro – Chat and Meetup

When: Monday March 10
Time: 20:00
Where: Suðurgata 3, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland
Cost: Free

Ace & Aro Iceland is an interest and activism association for asexual and aromantic people in Iceland as well as all the subgroups. The purpose of the association is that everyone under the ace umbrella will become recognized and enjoy the full rights in Icelandic society. The association intends to achieve its goals by increasing visibility through education and collaborating with similar organizations, groups, and enthusiasts in Iceland and abroad that aim for the same goals.
This event is the general meetup where people are encouraged to come along and get to know other members of the community.

Event Link

Queer Jazz at Djúpið

When: Thursday March 13
Time: 20:30
Where: Hornið Restaurant, Hafnarstræti 15, 101 Reykjavík (The entrance to Djúpið is at the back, facing Bæjarins beztu. The entrance to the basement opens at 8:00 PM)
Cost: 3.000 ISK

Djúpið offers jazz every Thursday night and on March 13 the theme is going to be QUEER! Singers Helga Margrét, Vigdís Þóra, and Villi Ósk, accompanied by a band, will perform jazz by queer composers and artists, along with some of their favorite queer gems. The trio will also share warm and insightful anecdotes about the songs and the queer history behind them. Like for example, did you know that “Fly Me to the Moon” is a queer love song?
The band accompanying the singing: Róberta Andersen on guitar, Sigmar Þór Matthíasson on bass and Þorsteinn Jónsson on drums.

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Sleikur 6.0 – Queer Dance Party

When: Saturday March 15
Time: 21:00-04:30
Where: Kiki + 22, Laugavegur 22, 101 RVK
Cost: 5.500 ISK *sliding scale
*all proceedings from this event go directly to the artists and designers. The rest of the people working at this event are there on a volunteer basis at the moment. The organisers ask that if you have the means to pay the full fee, please pay it and support this event. This is so that cheaper tickets can be offered to those who cannot afford the full ticket price. If this is you, please contact the organisers via email.

Sleikur (translated into english as lick, or snog) is a queer dance party jam packed with some of the best DJs Rekjavík’s vibrant queer scene has to offer. In the words of the party’s organisers,

“Dear queers, the world is a scary place for us killjoys but we will dance away our fears for one night on the 15th of March. Koddí sleik surrounded by sweaty bodies in dark corners, with quality music pulsating in your veins. This is our sixth edition, SLEIKUR SEX, so act accordingly”

Costumes are welcomed, sweaty bodies expected and photos are forbidden. So get your sexy outfits together and get ready for a night that will make your heart pump! This event is restricted to those 20 years and older.

Event Link

The 2025 Queer National Assembly – Resistance: Fighting in a Changing World (Landsþings hinsegin fólks árið 2025 – Viðnám: Barátta í breyttum heimi)

When: Saturday March 22
Time: 12:00-16:45
Where: Sykursalurinn in Gróska, Reykjavík
Cost: Free

The theme of the 2025 Queer National Assembly – Resistance: Fighting in a Changing World – is based on the state of queer rights globally and the impact that this state has on Iceland. We look inward, learn from each other and together build a community that can withstand the onslaught that is currently being made on our human rights around the world.
We encourage everyone to attend and look forward to welcoming you to Sykursalurinn in Gróska. There will be ample time between each program item so that people have the opportunity to chat and meet old friends and new ones.

12-12:45 – Opening of the National Assembly
President of Samtökin ‘78 addresses the National Assembly and introduces the new board of the organisation.
Three-minute speech: What is resistance to you?
Kári Garðarsson, Executive Director of the Samtökin ‘78
Kitty Anderson, Chair of Intersex Iceland
Auður Önnu Magnúsdóttir, Executive Director of the Icelandic Women’s Rights Association
10 minutes: Nadine Abu Arafeh, human rights lawyer and LGBTQ+ activist

13-13:45 – Joy and community: Fuel for the fight?
Queer people from different directions and generations come together and discuss the importance of joy and community in our fight for human rights. The names of the participants will be announced soon.
The discussion will be moderated by Edda Sigurðardóttir, Education Director of Samtökin ‘78.

14-14:45 – How do we respond to prejudice?
A fun workshop on a serious topic, where participants learn ways to deal with prejudice in their environment in a variety of ways, through games and exercises.
Þorbjörg Þorvaldsdóttir, Head of Communication at Samtökin ‘78 and Ugla Stefanía Kristjönudóttir Jónsdóttir, educator at Samtökin ‘78 and trans rights activist, will moderate the workshop.

15-15:45 – Resilience: Self-care and community care in strange times
Aldís Þorbjörg Ólafsdóttir, psychologist.

16-16:45 – Europe: On the Front Line for Human Rights? [in English]
Panel discussion with the European Union Ambassador to Iceland, Clara Ganslandt. Other participants in the panel to be announced soon.
Discussion moderated by Arndís Anna Kristínardóttir Gunnarsdóttir, human rights lawyer and chair of Siðmennt.

Accessibility: Sykursalur is fully accessible for wheelchair users.
Events will be predominantly in Icelandic. Should you require whisper translation to English or other languages, please contact skrifstofa@samtokin78.is.

Event Link


When: Saturday March 22
Time: 21:00-02:30
Where: Gróska, Sturlugata 6, 102 Rvk
Cost: 2.000 ISK (free for members of S78)

The 2025 Annual General Meeting weekend of the Samtökin ‘78 will end as usual with a fabulous Samtakaball (a Samtökin-party), where we will come together and dance till we drop in Sykursalurinn in Gróska.
Tickets will be sold at the door. The ticket price is 2000 krónur, but free admission for members of Samtökin ‘78.

– 8 PM: The house opens – drinks and entertainment
– 10 PM: The Babies group takes to the stage and plays for dancing
– 12 AM: DJ Alda Villiljós
Please note that the age limit is 20 years.

Event Link

Ace & Aro – Tea and Boardgames

When: Saturday March 29
Time: 15:00
Where: Suðurgata 3, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland
Cost: Free

Ace & Aro Iceland is an interest and activism association for asexual and aromantic people in Iceland as well as all the subgroups. The purpose of the association is that everyone under the ace umbrella will become recognized and enjoy the full rights in Icelandic society. The association intends to achieve its goals by increasing visibility through education and collaborating with similar organizations, groups, and enthusiasts in Iceland and abroad that aim for the same goals.
This event is a chance for members of the community to come together and enjoy some tea and boardgames.

Event Link

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