Tonight Icelandic mega star and two-time Eurovision contender Greta Salóme will join forces with none other than Alexander Rybak at Hof music hall in Akureyri. The pair is bringing a spectacular show to the north of Iceland and then to Reykjavík tomorrow, when they take on Harpa. We caught a brief moment with Greta.
Our first question to her was: What have you been doing since you participated in Eurovision for first time?

“I’ve been performing non stop. It’s been a hectic few years but a lot of adventures. I’ve done show contracts with Disney, released albums and singles, done a lot of concerts and a lot of other projects,” says Greta and adds that her fanbase and followers have been expanding rapidly for the last few months.
“I have about 27K on Facebook and I’m lucky to have really amazing and engaging base of people who truly take interest in what I do. I love every single one of them.”
Talking about fans, have you been performing at Eurovision “nerd” giggs?
“No, I haven’t that much after Eurovision. Mostly because I have been too busy. I’m booked until February 2018, so there really hasn’t been that much time. But I did do a few of those performances before the contest in May and it was so much fun.”
Have you performed at any European Pride festivals?
“I actually haven’t – but I would love to!”
But what was it like to return to Eurovision last year? Would you go again?
“To be honest I loved this time more than the last time. I had a message I truly believe in and something that’s bigger than the contest itself. I would totally do it again under the right circumstance.”
“We’re really going all out, both in music and visuals. It’s gonna be a mixture of pop, rock, indie, Eurovision, classical and everything in between.”
Speaking of messages, what to you think of The Eurovision Song Contest as a political platform?
“The contest has always been political in one way or another. There are so many things that come into play. I don’t think there is a way to make it non-political. The contest has become more of a platform though with more exposure and more people watching. Therefore it can be a great platform if you use it correctly.”

What do you think are the pros and cons of winning Eurovision?
“Wow… Good question. I’ve never won Eurovision so I don’t have the insight. A lot of Eurovision winners though say that the downside is that people always connect you to that one song and every song you release or write will be compared to that one. It can be restraining. But the plus is that winning Eurovision gives you a lot of exposure of course and can really be a great platform.”
And what are you working on now? “Right now I’m in the most hectic week of my entire life,” she says and laughs. “I’m doing a concert with Alexander Rybak tonight, March 17th and also tomorrow, March the 18th and throwing a seminar for string students which has really exploded and has now about 150 students. It’s a lot of work but I love every minute!”
Which brings us to the question: How exactly did you meet Alexander? Is there a special secret club for people who’ve played the violin at Eurovision?
“I met Alexander in Baku 2012,” Greta replies, with a smile. “But only briefly. He was performing at the Nordic gala. My manager knows his manager and this year they started talking about this and here we are. I’m really excited.”
“I’ve been performing non stop … (and) I’m booked until February 2018 … It’s been a hectic few years but a lot of adventures.”
Tell us a little bit more about the concerts the two of you are doing at Harpa and Hof.
“The concerts will be amazing, if I say so myself. We’re really going all out, both in music and visuals. It’s gonna be a mixture of pop, rock , indie, Eurovision, classical and everything in between. We’ve got strings, rock band, dancers etc. I really hope people are gonna love it as much as I’ve loved working on the concert.”
Any plans on going sightseeing with Alexander?
“Yes of course! He’s gonna go to the Blue Lagoon and we’ll also do the Golden Circle. There won’t be that much time since we’ve got the seminars too, where he’s a guest teacher and then we’ll be rehearsing for the concerts. But I’m gonna try to show him around my side of the world.“
Greta Salóme was a relatively unknown musician to the majority of Icelanders before competing in Eurovision. She played violin in the Icelandic Symphony Orchestra when she sent her song Never forget into the Icelandic Song Contest and won.
Her participation in The Eurovision Song Contest in 2012 proved to be the beginning to a great adventure. She has worked for major companies such as Disney, giving concerts all over the world and also holds a position as the concertmaster of The North Iceland Symphony Orchestra.
Last year Greta Salóme won the Icelandic national selection for The Eurovision Song Contest for the second time, with her song Hear them calling, and took part in the contest in Sweden.