Oscar Wilde is quoted to have said: “Give a man a mask and he will tell you the truth”. Those words can certainly be applied to the drag show Drag-Súgur which will be celebrating one year of showtime this Friday. It started out as a small show who originated in the minds of drag queens Ragna Rök and Gógó Starr, and to-day it‘s one of the most sought after entertainment in Reykjavík. Ragna Rök, who is the groups creative director, says the experience has been life altering.

“It‘s opened so many doors in my life,“ she says. “Brought me joy, new friends, self-confidence and loads of pride for myself and my people. It‘s been wonderful!“
Asked if the people organizing the first show a year ago had dreamt of it becoming such a hit Ragna answers. “Yes and no. Of course we hoped for the best but it was and is an experiment we are doing. What took us most by surprise when we started was how much need there seemed to be for this kind of show. The gratitude and love we have received from our audience has shown us that what we are doing – whatever you want to call it – is built on a foundation that we didn‘t know was there.“
Today the show is more than a drag show, there are drag queens, drag kings, burlesque girls, actors, musicians and stand up comedians performing in the show. Can they still call it a drag show?
“In my opinion we can,“ says Ragna. “Drag is so much more than people think it is and is giving joy to all kinds of people, not only queer people. Drag is innocent and cute, funny and exaggerated but it‘s all built on suffering, rising from the ashes, courage, humor and intelligence. It‘s a message about freedom, creativity, the right to take control of your life and it‘s all wrapped into funny, shocking or out of this world characters.“
“I promise it will be an outstanding show. The performers will ridicule the situation in the world, cause after the result of the presidential election in the USA we can feel the darkness moving in on queer people all around the world.“

Ragna has the title artistic director for the show. “I also direct people on stage, help the refine their acts and so on. But I also look upon myself as the mommy of the group. I‘m always worried about my ´kids´in the show and spend a lot of time ensuring that everyone in the group feels appreciated. In Dragsúgur we are a family, first and foremost.“
And what can the audience expect at the anniversary show?
“HAH! I‘m not gonna tell you! But I promise it will be an outstanding show. The performers will ridicule the situation in the world, cause after the result of the presidential election in the USA we can feel the darkness moving in on queer people all around the world. Of course there will also be joy and fun and burlesque, there won‘t be any darkness surrounding the show, no worries. You won‘t find anything more entertaining in Reykjavík on Friday night. I can promise you that!“
The show starts at Gaukurinn on Friday at 21 pm and before the show there will be a meet and greet party for those who purchase VIP ticets.