It’s been a long night of dancing and drinking and your facing the eternal question of: “Shall I continue brave, or yield to go home and live to fight another day?” Be it as it may, for either choice you need after-hour fuel. Here’s a look at the top spots to get just that in Reykjavík, from sloppy subs to dirty burgers and ribs.
You’ve all heard the stories. Some of you might even have lived through it to tell those stories. Those endless nights when the natural laws of sunup and moon-rise don’t apply anymore. The haze, the intoxication, the aggression, the love, the physical and mental exertion and the promise of eternal paradise.
Yes, the Reykjavík summer nightlife with its endless nights is just around the corner. We at GayIceland know we don’t need to teach you how to enjoy it, that part takes care of itself. But we want to aid you by making the imminently impending hang-over a little bit more bearable.
The key is to have a quick bite before you head home. From a purely health-wise perspective, none of these are good for you. But the best things in life often aren’t. Like that last shot you took, that table dance that ended with a sprained ankle, or that gay/bi/straight/trans/pan hotty you are about to spend the night with.
Anyways, here are your top eleven picks for after party meals in Reykjavík:

Dirty burger & ribs
The new kid on the block. It instantly became a huge success despite being placed in a half abandoned gas station next to the mall Kringlan. It has since branched out to smack down town. The “menu” was designed by a Michelin star chef, and the burgers and ribs are great. Just be careful not to stray away from your objective and venture into the adjacent and somewhat pathetic American bar (the decor includes neon signs for Rolling Stones and AC/DC).

Bæjarins beztu
The only night life cue you can’t skip is the line at this legendary hot dog stand. Even Bill Clinton had to stand in line. This is the perfect place to get the ever popular “vonbrygða pulsa,” or the “disappointment sausage” which is appropriate when hunting has not gone well.

Hands down the best kebab in town. And with “Best of The Voice – Poland” or “Idol auditions guaranteed to bring tears to your eyes” videos running on the telly the wait for your fix becomes somewhat of an emotional experience.

These guys are the friendliest Syrians in town. The opening hours tend to be a bit sporadic, but the weekend nights are solid. Great shawarma and a falafel to die for. With a healthy-ish choice of number seven, extra meat, you just might escape that looming hangover.

Hamborgara bíllinn
The Burger truck is an extension of Prikið, one of Reykajvík’s longest-serving bar/restaurant/café. If you like Prikið, you will like this. It is truly a no nonsense place, with the menu including a burger and… well that’s it.

This has long been the go-to place for a drunken meal, and for the longest time “Hlölli” basically had a monopoly on intoxication meals. And for a good reason. Sloppy and juicy and just what you body craves before going to sleep/passing out. Just don’t ever try it while sober. Really, just don’t.
Nonna biti
This is Hlöllabátur’s illegitimate twin. Same same, but different. And again, never consume these subs while sober. It will permeate your soul and leave you scarred for life. And the worst part, you won’t be able to experience the ecstasy of eating one drunk, ever again.

This place was a true pioneer when it started offering pizzas to those in drunken desperate need. The pizzas are extraordinarily sloppy which makes them a true god-send at five in the morning. And one important editorial note: be kind to the pizza bakers. Not only are they very nice, but also more of an establishment than anything else. They’re always there, the same guys. Always. No matter what time you show up. In hindsight, they might be vampires or zombies. Or elves…

Although it takes you a bit far from the busy main street, this place might actually be the only truly healthy meal you can get at this hour – apart from the ridiculously overpriced 10/11 super market. As a testimony to the freshness of the burritos they’re even delicious during business hours, when we assume your intoxication level is within standard deviation and your taste a little bit more refined.

Fljótt og Gott, BSÍ
If you want to go full local, this is the place. Or rather, if you want to go taxi driver mid-
fifties full local, this is your place. It seems perfectly logical that the central bus station hosts a fast food joint (called Fljótt og gott) where you can get a boiled sheep’s head with fries, all night, every day of the year. We think it might even be in our constitution.
Hagkaup, Spönginni
If you want to go down the road less traveled you can hail a taxi for about 5.400 ISK to go to Hagkaup Spönginni. Grab what you need from this up scale grocery slash department store, and then get the taxi back down town for another 5.400 ISK. And by the way, the word Spöngin has a few different interpretations. One of which is “the perineum”. Sometimes a particular road is less traveled for a very good reason and is best left unexplored.