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“We’ll have a fantastic party.”


“We’re very excited about the meeting. I think it will be a fun day where different people from our community come together to discuss the future of our organization,” says Anna Pála Sverrisdóttir, president of  The National Queer Organization of Iceland (i. Samtökin ’78 or just S78) about “a national gathering” of queer people (named Samtakamátturinn) at Reykjavík City Hall today at 2pm.

Much has been accomplished in the battle for human rights of queer people in Iceland since the founding of The National Queer Organization in 1978. Many of the legal benefits, that it has been advocating for, have come into effect as well. The purpose of the meeting is to look into the organization’s work, prioritize and determine future policy.

Anyone interested in issues of the queer society, not just members of the organization – but politicians, academics or queer people in general – are welcome and will be well received. There will be a table for English speakers at the event so that everyone can participate. Organizers are eager to hear what new faces have to say.

“When that’s done we’ll have a fantastic party at Skuggbarinn at Hótel Borg,” says Anna Pála and promises that there will be a lot of fun. Doors open at 10pm and the shortly there after, the entertainment will start. Around midnight, Dj Manny and Dj Kidda Rokk will tear the place up!


13:30 Registration and distribution of meeting supplies

– An English-speaking group will be available for people who don’t speak or understand icelandic.
– Please turn up on time!

14:00 Opening
– Eygló Harðardóttir, minister of social affairs
– Anna Pála Sverrisdóttir, president of Samtökin ’78 – The National Queer Organization of Iceland

14:15 Group work

15:30 Refreshments

15:50 Short stories from the past told by previous presidents of Samtökin ’78
– Guðni Baldursson, first president of Samtökin ’78
– Lana Kolbrún Eddudóttir
– Þorvaldur Kristinsson

16:00 Group work continues

17:30 Final words and reception.

Moderators: Felix Bergsson and Ragnhildur Sverrisdóttir


Meeting held in cooperation with: Reykjavík City, Síminn, Sómi, Kaffismiðjan, Iðan.

Subject matters for SAMTAKAMÁTTURINN
– Inner structure of Samtökin ’78
– Outward cooperation, image and publicity
– The Queer community*
– Education
– Health
– Queer Rights campaign
– Family
– Sports
– Culture
– International affairs

*In Iceland, the Icelandic word “hinsegin”, meaning Queer, is an umbrella term for LGBTQA (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, Questioning, and Allied).

Registration takes place at http://samtokin78.is/samtakamatturinn

Tickets for the party are sold at Mál og Menning bookshop on Laugavegur.  Pre sale price for Samtökin 78 members is 1.000 ISK, for others 1.500 ISK. Only a limited number of tickets are sold in pre sale. Tickets will also be sold for  2.00o kr. at the door. Age restriction is 20 years.

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