A true eye opener

The trans-documentary Hrafnhildur is getting raving reviews in Iceland. The critic for newspaper Morgunblaðið for example calls it a true eye opener on the life of trans-people, praising subject Hrafnhildur for letting the filmmakers into her life as well as director Ragnhildur Steinunn for a good job and finally gives it four out of five stars. In Saturday’s edition of Fréttablaðið Hrafnhildur gets three out of five stars with the critic encouraging readers to see it: “A beautiful debut which would do everybody good to see.”

Hrafnhildur premiered at Cinema Paradise in Iceland on Tuesday last week or on the first day of the Reykjavik Gay Pride festivities. Both Hrafnhildur and Ragnhildur Steinunn were present at the premiere and got a big applause from the audience.

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